Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Mount Toberead 12 - The Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey

Quite some time ago, I was a big fan of Mercedes Lackey/ I read one of her Valdemar books (from memory it the was first of The Last Herald Mage trilogy) and I was hooked. I gathered as much of her Valdemar stuff as I could and then moved onto other things, Amongst them was a wonderful urban fantasy series about a witch called Diana Tregarde. Unfortunately at the time urban fantasy hadn't boomed as a genre and for a number of reasons (sales amongst them) Lackey gave up writing Diana Tregarde books after 3 entries. I still think they're amongst the best things she's written.

This one sat on Mount Toebread for a while. My wife had read it and other entries into her reimagined fairy tales. The Fairy Godmother is a fun book and some of her alterations to fairy tales are quite clever. In this one Cinderella (known as Elena) becomes the fairy godmother and has to find her own prince. He starts out not very good at all, but after spending a period of time as a donkey, appreciates the advantages he's been given and comes to fall in love with Elena.

I felt the book could have been a good deal shorter and an easier and better read for it. There was a lot of info dumping around the tales she was telling and involving the magic system she'd invented for this. There was also a fair bit of repetition. Overall it was a solid story, but it did drag through the middle before ramping up the action and ending up as a reader would expect with a fairy tale, happily ever after.

M looks like fun with A. Lee Martinez on my radar,

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